More than an AI detector.
Preserve what's human.
Since inventing AI detection, GPTZero incorporates the latest research in detecting ChatGPT, GPT4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and new AI models, and investigating their sources.
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Was this text written by AI or a Human?
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ChatGPTClaudeHumanAI + Human
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Improve your writing. Free grammar check and feedback
Save time as a writer or reviewer with suggestions for improvements.
Advanced scan
AI Vocabulary
Writing feedback
Plagiarism checker
Investigative sources
The most precise, reliable AI detection results
on the market
Scan top AI models
Classify AI text from major AI models, from ChatGPT to Gemini, Llama, Claude and more.
Get unparalleled, advanced accuracy
Independent benchmarking shows GPTZero Advanced Scan has best-in-class accuracy.
Verify real writing
Opt for video replay and human writing verification to prove your authentic voice
Connect your classroom
Easily integrate with learning management systems including Canvas, Moodle, and Google Classroom.
Improve with AI Tutor
Build responsible writing habits with custom AI-powered writing feedback tools.
Detect plagiarism
Ensure originality and check if content was copied from outside sources without attribution.
Our Technology
Leading research in AI content detection modeling
Our AI detection model contains 7 components that process text to determine if it was written by AI. We utilize a multi-step approach that aims to produce predictions that reach maximum accuracy, with the least false positives. Our model specializes in detecting content from Chat GPT, GPT 4, Gemini, Claude and LLaMa models.
Enterprise-Certified AI Detection Trusted by Leading Organizations
Built-in AI detection for
classrooms and workspaces
Bring the most precise AI content checker directly into
the software you use every day.
Annual (Save 45%)
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$0/ month
10,000 words per month
Basic AI Scan
5 Free Advanced Scans
Current Plan
More words for basic AI detection.
$8.33/ month
Save $80/yearBilled $99.96 annually
150,000 words per month
Basic AI Scan
AI vocabulary check
Chrome extension
Multi-file upload
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Most Popular
Access all of our premium features.
$12.99/ month
Save $132/yearBilled $155.88 annually
300,000 words per month
All of Essential
Advanced Scan
AI Vocabulary
Writing Feedback
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For teams and enterprises.
$24.99/ month
Save $252/yearBilled $299.88 annually
500,000 words per month
All of Premium
Up to 10,000,000 words in overage
Teams Collaboration
Military grade security
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GPTZero reviews
“The best AI checker"according to our customers and community
Kyle Wiggins
GPTZero was the only consistent performer, classifying AI-generated text correctly. As for the rest … not so much.
CEO, Transit Pluto Studios
Samantha Warren
GPTZero has been incomparably more accurate than any of the other AI checkers. For me, it’s the best solution to build trust with my clients.
President, American Federation of Teachers
Randi Weingarten
This tool is a magnifying glass to help teachers get a closer look behind the scenes of a document, ultimately creating a better exchange of ideas that can help kids learn.
Director of Learning
Catalina Ramirez
The granular detail provided by GPTZero allows administrators to observe AI usage across the institution. This data is helping guide us on what type of education, parameters, and policies need to be in place to promote an innovative and healthy use of AI.
Teaching Assistant, University of Minnesota
Helen Dombrock
After talking to the class, each student we compiled with GPTZero as possibly using AI ended up telling us they did, which made us extremely confident in GPTZero’s capabilities.
Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Toronto
Kristina McElheran
Sign up for GPTZero. Its feedback aligns well with my sense of what is going on in the writing - almost line-for-line.
Harvard Law School
Justin Curl
I'm a huge fan of the writing reports that let me verify my documents are human-written. The writing video, in particular, is a great way to visualize the writing process!
Investor, Washington Partners
Frank Li
Excellent chrome extension. I ran numerous tests on human written content and the results were 100% accurate.